
2024-04-15 17:13:50



托福口语的培训中,很多同学一脸委屈:“准备时间只有15秒,我题都没有审到位,哪来得及准备答案嘛。” 这么仓促的准备时间,确实给许多学生,特别是初学者带来很大的挑战。所以在培训当中,老师会给大家补充大量相关口语素材,让大家可以在考试的时候做到心中有货,信手拈来。但是是不是这个准备时间就完全没有松动的余地呢?哈哈,其实这里是有空间的。咱们来个直观的例子,来道口语第一题人物题之常见考题:Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 考试中,这道题既会出现在电脑屏幕上,也会用语音的方式念给考生,显然这里就有一个我们可以利用的时间差。我们用肉眼看题的速度是远远大于考官念题的速度的,所以我们完全可以在快速看完题目后就开始构思答题的结构与素材,而不用老老实实的把录音听完哦。不要小看这几秒钟哟!15秒 VS 18-20秒, 增加了百分之二十的思考时间!

这类口语题的第二句话通常都是Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 所以同学们也大可放心的跳过,此处又节约宝贵的几秒钟。综合我刚刚说的两个技巧,我们完全可以把一二题的准备时间由15秒延长到25秒甚至更长。接触过口语考试的同学都知道,这多出来的十秒钟可以办成很多事情,可以多想一个分论点,可以多找一个素材,这些对于拿高分或者保中等分,都是至关重要的!


首先,如果上课有认真听讲,课后有踏实掌握老师给出的几十个常见素材的话,肯定是可以出口成章的!但是为了以防万一,如果“哔”声后大脑一片空白,咱们应该怎么样才能Fill the blank (填白)。方法并不神秘!我们就是需要准备一些插科打挥的句子来掩饰说不出答案的尴尬。比如:It is an interesting question. Let me think about it. 或者:It is a difficult question. Why didn’t I think of it before? 其实谁都知道这些是没有实际功能的句子,但是比起在开始录音后还在支支吾吾或者沉默不语,这样的句子还是要好很多,因为这是口语考试,把这类句子熟练地甩出来还是在一定程度上显示了我们的口语能力,并且还可以争取一点时间来继续思考后面的答案。当然,这肯定是不能立即想出答案退而求其次的做法,并不能成为大家不好好练习的退路哦。

最后,我们还是以一二题为例来讲讲如果凑不够时间又要怎么办。其实如果对于口语素材掌握得到位的话,也很难出现时间有富余。考试的最佳答案一定是说完最后一个分论点加例子之后时间刚刚好。但是如果因为各种原因确实有extra time, 我们仍然需要Fill the blank. 如果留白时间短,我们可以选择短句子:That’s all. Thank you. 如果留白时间更多,就可以用:That’s my answer. Thank you for listening. 再长一点呢?我要发飙了,但是还是再给一句长的:Those are the two reasons why I like my high school Chinese teacher(以刚刚给出的例题为例)。如果再长~?Owing to the two factors I have just talked about , I will not hesitate to say that I like my high school Chinese teacher most , in the past , at present and in the future.




Vocalization in Frogs

 The Túngara frog is a small terrestrial vertebrate that is found in Central America. Túngara frogs breed in small pools, and breeding groups range from a single male to choruses of several hundred males. The advertisement call of a male Túngara frog is a strange noise, a whine that starts at a frequency of 900 hertz and sweeps downward to 400 hertz in about 400 milliseconds. The whine may be produced by itself, or it may be followed by one or several chucks or clucking sounds. When a male Túngara frog is calling alone in a pond, it usually gives only the whine portion of the call, but as additional males join a chorus, more and more of the frogs produce calls that include chucks. Scientists noted that male Túngara frogs calling in a breeding pond added chucks to their calls when they heard the recorded calls of other males played back. That observation suggested that it was the presence of other calling males that incited frogs to make their calls more complex by adding chucks to the end of the whine.

  What advantage would a male frog in a chorus gain from using a whine-chuck call instead of a whine?

 Perhaps the complex call is more attractive to female frogs than the simple call. Michael Ryan and Stanley Rand tested that hypothesis by placing female Túngara frogs in a test arena with a speaker at each side. One speaker broadcast a pre-recorded whine call, and the second speaker broadcast a whine-chuck. When female frogs were released individually in the center of the arena, fourteen of the fifteen frogs tested moved toward the speaker broadcasting the whine-chuck call.

 If female frogs are attracted to whine-chuck calls in preference to whine calls, why do male frogs give whine-chuck calls only when other males are present? Why not always give the most attractive call possible? One possibility is that whine-chuck calls require more energy than whines, and males save energy by only using whine-chucks when competition with other males makes the energy expenditure necessary. However, measurements of the energy expenditure of calling male Túngara frogs showed that energy cost was not related to the number of chucks. Another possibility is that male frogs giving whine- chuck calls are more vulnerable to predators than frogs giving only whine calls. Túngara frogs in breeding choruses are preyed upon by a species of frog-eating bats, Trachops cirrhosus, and it was demonstrated that the bats locate the frogs by homing on their vocalizations.

 In a series of playback experiments, Michael Ryan and Merlin Tuttle placed pairs of speakers in the forest and broadcast vocalizations of Túngara frogs. One speaker played a recording of a whine and the other a recording of a whine-chuck. The bats responded as if the speakers were frogs: they flew toward the speakers and even landed on them. In five experiments at different sites, the bats approached speakers broadcasting whine-chuck calls twice as frequently as those playing simple whines (168 approaches versus 81). Thus, female frogs are not alone in finding whine-chuck calls more attractive than simple whines. An important predator of frogs also responds more strongly to the complex calls.

 Ryan and his colleagues measured the rates of predation in Túngara frog choruses of different sizes. Large choruses of frogs did not attract more bats than small choruses, and consequently the risk of predation for

 an individual frog was less in a large chorus than in a small one. Predation was an astonishing 19 percent of the frogs per night in the smallest chorus and a substantial 1.5 percent per night even in the largest chorus. When a male frog shifts from a simple whine to a whine-chuck call, it increases its chances of attracting a female, but it simultaneously increases its risk of attracting a predator. In small choruses, the competition from other males for females is relatively small, and the risk of predation is relatively large.

 Under these conditions it is apparently advantageous for a male Túngara frog to give simple whines. However, as chorus size increases, competition with other males also increases while the risk of predation falls. In that situation, the advantage of giving a complex call apparently outweighs the risks.








