
2024-04-18 02:20:30

2009年高考语文全国2卷答案详解一、(12分)1.A(B fèn; C抢qiāng; D识 zhì) 2.D(南腔北调不符合语境)3.B(A缺主语,且前面说的是人才,后面说的是岗位;C “实现”多余;D“命题、决赛、海选”语序不当)4.D(4句的“它”指代“中国结”5句的“衣着、佩饰”引出最后一句)二、(9分)5.C(“跟‘经纬’之‘经’没有关系”原文无据) 6.B(“尽管很重要”原文无据) 7.C(强加因果) 三、(9分)8.A(禀:禀性,天性)9.A(B第一句说的是父亲生病 C第二句是别人想帮助他时他说的话 D 第一句只是说别人说送给他的东西是因为今年太冷,而建安的绵质量好) 10.C(没有“引农田中水”)四、(23分)11(10分)(1)(5分)自认为不能广泛施舍,致使这些人跌倒,于是在种竹处的沟上建起小桥,让人足以通行。译出大意给2分,“颠沛”、“乃”、“足”三处,每译出一处给1分。(2)(5分)如果因为我又穷又老的话,老人很多,家家户户经常贫困,不止是我一人而已。译出大意给3分,“其”、“耋”两处,每译出一处给1分。12.(8分)(1)(4分)夜晚、秋风、汉关、寒云、冷月、西山,诗的前两句描绘的是一幅初秋边关阴沉凝重的夜景。寓意边境局势的紧张。答出景色给2分,答出寓意给2分。如有其它答案,只要言之成理,可酌情给分。意思答对即可。(2)(4分)诗的后两句表现了作者作为镇守边疆的将领,斗志昂扬,坚信必胜的豪迈情怀。第三句写部署奋力出击,显示昂扬的斗志;第四句写全歼敌军的决心,显示必胜的信心。答出情怀给2 分,能结合诗句分析给2 分意思答对即可13.(5分)(1)①故不积跬步②无以至千里 ③功在不舍 ④池鱼思故渊 ⑤开荒南野际(2)①风急天高猿啸哀 ②无边落木萧萧下 ③潦倒新停浊酒杯 ④业精于勤 ⑤毁于随每答对一空给1分,有错别字则该空不给分。五、(22分)14.(4分)①补充解释旅行中的印象;②为下文描写岳桦进行铺垫。每答对一点给2分。意思答对即可。15.(6分)(1)(3分)①绝地中的桦为了生存而迸发出巨大的生命力量;②生存挣扎的代价是沉重的;③生命的痛苦与希望同在。每答对一点给1分。意思答对即可。(2)(3分)①不幸的命运常常在毫无准备中降临;②桦的生存轨迹与生存环境因灾难而发生的根本改变;③他们将面临新的抉择。每答对一点给1分。意思答对即可。16.(6分)(每点2分)①它们的命运不同:白桦生长在山下,养尊处优,而岳桦生长在山上,身处绝境;②它们的形态不同:白桦挺拔明快,而岳桦身躯匍匐;③它们的性格不同:白桦风流浪漫,而岳桦倔强壮烈。(答题依据在第6、8、9、11段)每答对一点给2分。意思答对即可。17.(6分)第一问(2分):①拟人;②比喻。每答对一点给1分。第二问:(4分)①通过拟人的手法,可以使岳桦由谷底到峰顶、由平凡到卓越的过程更加生动形象;②通过比喻的手法。可以使岳桦的气质得以揭示和提升。每答对一点给2分。意思答对即可。六(15分)18.(4分)①删除或改为“他”;③改为“合图”;④删除或改为“他”;⑤改为“苏泽广”或“父亲”每改对一处给1分,只指出编号,没作修改或修改错误,均不给分。如有其他答案,只要言之成理,可酌情给分。19.(4分)示例:全民健身口号征集活动在一个月里,收到应征口号千余条,稿件来源广,参与人数多,经过评审,最终入选的口号为“我运动,我快乐”。语意完整,给2分,如缺少“全民健身口号征集活动”主题信息,只给1分;句子通顺,给2分。20.(7分)内容贴切,给2分;形成排比,给2分;句式相同,给2分;有文采,给1分。七、(60分)21.作文(60分)较符合题意的角度有:善于发现小问题;对生活中的现象勤于思考;偶然与必然;细节决定成败;发现与创造等。(实际上,我的《五十天作文过五关》的作文讲座中提醒大家关注的十个话题中的“借鉴与创造”与此题目非常相似。我的博客“素材积累”栏目中的文章《2009作文素材(二)》中三次提到“发现”的话题。)附:文言文译文郭原平,字长恭,他很孝顺,一定要依靠自己的力量来侍养父母。他会做木工,常靠给人做工供养双亲。他生性谦虚,每次给人做工,只取一般木匠的工钱。雇主招待他吃饭时,郭原平想到自己家中贫穷,父母不曾吃荤菜,所以自己只吃咸菜下饭就算了。家里有时没饭吃,他就整日空腹干活,和家里人一同挨饿;等到傍晚收工,得了工钱回家,在村里买米,然后烧火做饭。父亲得了重病整一年,郭原平衣不解带,口不尝盐渍的蔬菜,这样过了一冬一夏。父亲丧事办完后,他自己盖了两间小屋作为祠堂。逢年过节,常在这里悲哀悼念,几天只啃几口干粮,不喝汤水。父亲丧服期满后,他再也不吃肉。在母亲面前,他稍微吃一些(鱼肉)表明自己(胃口很好),在自己的屋里,他从不轻易吃(鱼肉)。从此以后直到去世,三十多年(他都没有吃鱼)。高阳许瑶之免去建安郡丞后回乡,派人送他一斤丝绵,原平不要。瑶之就亲自登门,对他说:“今年冬天太冷,建安的丝绵又好,所以我拿来奉送给您的父母。”原平才拜谢收下。郭原平每次去市场卖东西,别人问多少钱,他总是栽减成市价的一半,这样时间长了,邑里的人都知道(他这种情况),于是加还本价给他,卖者买者彼此总要互相推让。郭原平总想使买的人稍稍减价,等价钱低廉然后才收钱。郭原平住的房屋下面潮湿,他便绕着宅基挖了条水沟疏通淤水。他在房子旁边种了一些竹子,春季夜里有人来偷竹笋,有一次,郭原平偶尔起来撞见了,偷笋的人奔逃掉进了水沟。(郭原平)自认为不能广泛施舍,致使这些人跌倒,于是在种植处的沟上建起小桥,让人足以通行。又采了些竹笋放在篱笆外面。偷笋人感到很惭愧,从此再也没有人去他家偷笋。郭原平以种瓜为业。宋世祖大明七年发生大旱灾,他的运瓜水道不再能通船,县令刘僧秀怜惜他贫穷年老,放其他沟渠的水给他。郭原平说:“普天下大旱,百姓都很困难,怎么能减少灌溉稻田的水,用来通行运瓜的船呢?”于是他步行改走他道去钱塘卖货。每次行船来钱塘,看见旁人的船被堵在水坝下还没有牵过去,就迅速操桨过去帮助,自己的船自己牵引,不要旁人的帮助。若是自己的船已经通过了水坝,后面的人还没赶上来,他常常停船等待,这样已成了习惯。太守王僧朗推举他为“孝廉”,郭原平没有接受。太守蔡兴宗来到该郡,对郭原平的为人行事也很钦佩,感到惊异,于是便把自己的米馈赠给郭原平和山阴县朱百年的妻子。郭原平坚决地一再推让,誓死不受。有人问他说:“府君嘉奖你淳厚的德行,怜悯你年老贫穷,所以才有赡养之赠,岂能苦苦推辞呢?”郭原平回答说:“府君如果因我的孝义行为而给以赏赐,则不止我一个人做得好,所以不能随便承受这种赏赐。如果因我贫穷衰老而馈赠,而八九十岁的老人很多,家家都很贫困,并非只是我一个罢了。”他始终不肯接受,朱百年的妻子也推辞不接受。

56. How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?

A. They will be moved. B. They will be annoyed.

C. They will be delighted. D. They will be discouraged.


解析从第二个小标题”Ask the other person to recite and repeat”中的最后一句话”Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names”中可获得答案.

57. If you can't remember someone's name, you may __

A. tell him the truth B. tell him a white lie

C. ask him for pity D. ask others to help you


解析从第三个小标题”Admit you don’t know”中第一句中可以获得答案.

58. When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember __

A. all their names B. a couple of names first

C. just their last names D. as many names as possible


解析从第五个小标题”Limit the number of new names you learn at one time”中的第一句话”when meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names”可获得答案

59. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. Tips on an important social skill. B. Importance of attending parties.

C. How to make use of associations. D. How to recite and repeat names.



60. The words "boats an land" underlined in Paragraph 2 refer to __

A. animals for taking goods B. creatures for pulling plows

C. treasures of the folk culture D. tools in the farming economy


解析从第二段第二句话划线词后的解释for their ability to carry loads可以很轻松判定答案.

6l. From the third paragraph, we know that __

A. oxen are no more important today than in the past

B. ceremonies are held when people cook cattle bone soup

C. oxen are treated as human in some areas of China

D. people run with oxen to shake off diseases every month


解析从第三段最后一句话中的定语从句which indicates they regard the creature as human中可知答案.

62. Which of the following helps to develop traditional customs?

A. The special role of oxen in frowning.

B. People's respect and love for oxen.

C. The practical value of an ox's body.

D. The contribution of oxen to the economy.



63. Why does the author write the text?

A. To stress the importance of oxen in farming.

B. To introduce the Chinese folk culture.

C. To describe how to celebrate the Year of Ox.

D. To explain how to develop agriculture with oxen.



64. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?

A. Arian de Bondt got his idea from his boss.

B. Large, flat, black surfaces need to be built in cities.

C. The Dutch engineer's system has been widely used.

D. Heat can also be collected from asphalt roads.



65. For what purpose are the diving pipes used?

A. To absorb heat from the sun.

B. To store heat for future use.

C. To turn solar energy into heat energy.

D. To carry heat down below the surface.



66. From the last paragraph we can learn that __

A. some pipes have to be re-arranged in winter

B. the system can do more than warming up the building

C. the exchangers will pick up heat from the street surface

D. less heat may be collected in winter than in summer





67. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. What we shall do if the system goes wrong.

B. What we shall do if there are no asphalt roads.

C. How the system cools the building in summer.

D. How the system collects heat in spring and autumn.


解析本文最后一段介绍了这种系统是如何让建筑物在冬天得到保暖的,而第二段中”the result is that their building is now heated in winter and cooled in summer by a system that relies on the surface of the road outside”可以知道接下来的这一段肯定会解释这种系统是如何在夏天为建筑物降温的了.

68. Which of the following is true of the membership card?

A. Its number is l0865 305305.

B. It belongs to Mr. E. M. Driscoll.

C. It is valid through the year of 2010.

D. It gets the owner a discount when used.


解析从第二份介绍中可以得出结果.”When booking always ask for your friends Discount”

69. If one wants to attend a business lunch in London at l2:00,the latest train that he should take at Oxford leaves at .

A. 11:45 B. 11:15 C. 10:35 D. 10:05



70. If you would like to have some vegetable beef, what may be your choice?

A. French Slam? B. Chicken-Fried Steak?

C. The Super Bird? D. Sandwich with Salad or Soup?



71. The chart shows that from 2005 to 2008, .

A. the percentage of the Spanish families with a computer rose 35 points

B. the percentage of the White families with a computer remained unchanged

C. the number of the Black families with a computer was on the decrease

D. the number of the Asian families with a computer showed the sharpest increase



72. Rainforests can help to adjust the climate because they .

A. reflect more heat into the atmosphere

B. bring about high rainfall throughout the world

C. rarely cause the temperature to drop lower than l6℃

D. reduce the effect of heat from the sun on the earth



73. What does the word “this” underlined in the third paragraph refer to?

A. We will lose much more than we can gain.

B. Humans have begun destroying rainforests.

C. People have a strong desire for resources.

D. Much carbon dioxide comes from burning rainforests.



74. It can be inferred from the text that

A. we can get enough resources without rainforests

B. there is great medicine potential in rainforests

C. we will grow fewer kinds of crops in the gained land

D. the level of annual rainfall affects wind patterns



75. What might be the best title for the text?

A. How to Save Rainforests

B. How to Protect Nature

C. Rainforests and the Environment

D. Rainforests and Medical Development




