
2024-04-15 08:19:45

问题一:我喜欢去宠物店英语 我喜欢去宠物店

I like to go to the pet shop.


I like to go to the pet shop.

问题二:宠物医院常用英语口语 30分 A: Help! Are you a doctor? My poor little Frankie has stopped breathing! Oh my gosh, Help me! I tried to performCPR(心肺复苏法), but I just don't know if I could get any air into his lungs! Oh, Frankie!

B: Ellen, get him hooked up to a monitor! Someone page Dr. Howser. Get the patient to hold still, I can't get a pulse! Okay, he's on the monitor.His BP(血压) is falling! He’s flatlining!

A: NOOOOOO! Frankie! Nurse! Do something!

B: Someone get her out of here! Get me the defibrillator(除纤颤器).Okay, clear! Again! Clear! e on!dammit! I’m not letting you go! Clear! I’ve got a pulse!

C: Okay, what's happening?

B: The patient is in acute respiratory(呼吸的) failure, I think we're going to have to intubate!

C: Alright! Tube's in! Bag him! Someone give him 10 cc’s of adrenaline! Let's go, people move,move!

A: Doctor, oh, thank god! How is he?

B: We managed to stabilize Frankie, but he's not out of the woods yet; he's still in critical condition.We're moving him to intensive care, but...

A: Doctor, just do whatever it takes. I just want my little Frankie to be okay. I couldn't imagine life without my littlehamster(仓鼠)!

问题三:宠物医院,用英文怎么说 宠物医院

Pet 伐ospital或Pet Clinic



问题四:“宠物”用英文怎么说 是“PET”“pet”

问题五:mary家附近有没有宠物店。应问用英语答 Is there any pet shop near Mary's home?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn't.

问题六:让人接受你宠物的英文对话 A; your dog is so much fun. He’s so playful. I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does. B: cats are well know for being more independent than dogs. How old is your cat now? you’ve had her longer than w。

问题七:对哪种宠物感兴趣的英语口语话题 30分 最好给那些鼠类宠物一个转轮,好让它们保持活动。

It’s best to give mice and rats a running wheel to keep them active.


They don’t call dogs “man’s best friend” for nothing.


Positive reinforcement is the best way to train any pet.


I’m sorry, my dog isn’t toilet trained


The dog should carry out daily walk walk.

问题八:高中口语演讲关于宠物的 两个学生养狗作为宠物。喔 还有一件事 我目前上的ABC夫下中心的教师才和我提过 如果想征服英语很简单的..坚持要有一个符合的研习情境和练口语对象,外教水平很重要,发音纯正很重要,持续天天口语交流,1对1家教式教学才会有更.好.的学习成效 完成课堂后需要重复温习课后录音反馈,来进一步深化知识!然后要是真的没有练习对象的状况下,就去可可或大耳朵取得课外学习资料研习 多说多练很快的口语能力就提升起来,学习效益是绝对快速显着的..所以他们有相同的主题当谈论饲养狗的经验。他们分享他们的意见。


1. pet作为名词的用法


pet作为单独的名词使用时,通常指被饲养的家庭动物,也可以指一个人所特别喜爱并对其照顾有加的对象。例如,“My pet is a cute little dog.”(我的宠物是一只可爱的小狗),“She treats her car like her pet.”(她把她的车当作她的“心头宝贝”)。


pet还可以用来表示某个宠物的名字或品种,例如,“My pet’s name is Fluffy.”(我的宠物名字叫Fluffy),“Their pets are both Golden Retrievers.”(他们的宠物都是金毛猎犬)。


pet也可以与其他词搭配使用,例如“pet food”(宠物食品),“pet store”(宠物店),“pet owner”(宠物主人)等。

2. pet作为形容词的用法

pet也可以作为形容词使用,表示可爱或迷人的意思,例如,“a pet name”(可爱的昵称),“a pet phrase”(惯用语),“a pet theory”(夏令营理论)等。



