
2024-05-05 09:08:49

七年级英语 期末考试总是需要努力才能通过的或许你有些焦急紧张,或许有些不安担心,付出就有回报,赶紧睡个好觉。我整理了关于七年级英语下册期末试卷2017,希望对大家有帮助!


 Ⅰ 听力技能 ( 四个部分, 共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 计30分 )

 第一节 对话理解 根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共15小题,计15分)


 ( )1. What is Li Lei doing?

 A. B. C.

 ( )2. What does the man always have for breakfast?

 A. B. C.

 ( )3. What will Judy have to do this Sunday evening?

 A. Go to the movies. B. Play the piano. C. Take the dance lessons.

 ( )4. What does Sue think of the movie?

 A. Interesting. B. Boring . C. Relaxing.

 ( )5. What is the woman doing now?

 A. Talking. B. Smoking. C. Singing.


 ( )6. What is David doing now ?

 A. Taking photos. B. Taking a shower. C. Watering flowers

 ( )7.What does Sally want David to bring tomorrow ?

 A. An umbrella. B. A map. C. A camera.


 ( )8. Where will Wang Mei stay this afternoon ?

 A. In the zoo. B. In the factory. C. At home.

 ( )9. What does Wang Mei?s mother do ?

 A. She is a teacher. B. She is a driver. C. She is a doctor.


 ( )10. Where is David now?

 A. At home. B. In his office. C. In a shop.

 ( )11. Why can?t David have dinner with Lily on Friday?

 A. Because he will go to London.

 B. Because he will go to a party.

 C. Because he will work late.

 ( )12. When are they deciding to have dinner together at last?

 A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday.


 ( )13. Where is the woman from ?

 A. Can ada. B. China. C. America.

 ( )14. What does the woman like very much about china?

 A . Buildings. B. Art . C. Food.

 ( )15. What may the man be ?

 A. A doctor. B. A driver. C. A teacher.

 第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3 个单词。

 Name (16)

 Job (17)_____________

 Where is he going? (18)_____________

 Plans for vacation Go (19)____________in the daytime

 Watch TV and (20) _____________ in the evening

 Ⅱ. 知识运用(两个部分,共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)

 A) 单项填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)

 ( ) 21.? It?s _____ useful book, yes?

 ? Yeah, it tells us how to play _____ piano.

 A. an, the B. a, / C. a, the

 ( ) 22. ? is it from here to the train station?

 ? It?s about 5 kilometers.

 A. How long B. How far C. How many

 ( ) 23. _____ talk in the reading room.

 A. Don?t B. Not C. No

 ( ) 24. -It?s hot today. How about going swimming after school?

 -______. Let?s ask Daniel to go with us.

 A. Have fun B. Sounds good C. I?m sorry

 ( ) 25. It took them half an hour ______ to the museum by bus last Sunday.

 A. get B. gets C. to get

 ( ) 26. -Do they enjoy ______ English in the morning?

 -Yes, they do.

 A. read B. talking C. reading

 ( ) 27. My sister often ______ rice for dinner, but yesterday she _____ some noodles.

 A. has, had B. has, have C. have, had

 ( ) 28. Mother?s Day is ______ the second Sunday in May in the United States.

 A. on B. in C. at

 ( ) 29. ?Ssh, be quiet! The baby ______ in the next room.

 ? Oh, sorry.

 A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept

 ( ) 30. There _____ some milk and three apples on the table.

 A. is B. are C. be

 B) 完形填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共10个小题,每小题1分)

 I live in a 31 . It?s not big but very 32 . I like the town very much. My home is one the third floor. There is a 33 next to my home. I often buy vegetables and other things here. The post office is next 34 the supermarket. It?s on the right of the supermarket. A big restaurant is across 35 them. The 36 there is very nice. Many people 37 there every day. There is a hotel behind the restaurant. The hotel is old but very busy 38 it?s the only on e in the town. There is a 39 and a library in my town. The library is in front of the bank. There are a lot of interesting 40 in the library. My town is a good place.

 ( ) 31. A. city B. town C. county

 ( ) 32. A. clean B. dirty C. small

 ( ) 33. A. restaurant B. post office C. supermarket

 ( ) 34. A. to B. of C. in

 ( ) 35. A. from B. into C. for

 ( ) 36. A. clothes B. food C. computer

 ( ) 37. A. eat B. play C. walk

 ( ) 38. A. so B. but C. because

 ( ) 39. A. bank B. library C. hotel

 ( ) 40. A. animals B. drink C. books

 Ⅲ. 阅读技能(四个部分,共20小题,计40分)

 第一节 阅读大意 阅读下面的短文, 判断文后的 句子 是否符合短文内容。符合的写?T?,不符合的写?F?。(共5个小题,每小题2分)

 My name is Chen Lan. My home is in Gulangyu. It is in Xiamen. It is near the sea. Culangyu is a small place, but it is very nice and clean. There are no cars, no buses or no bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet. P eople go to Gulangyu by ship.

 Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu. There is a big tree behind our house. My grandfather tells me that the tree is very old. Our house is near the sea. The sea is big and blue. There are a lot of fish in the sea. After school, I go there and catch fish with my friends. It is very interesting. I like fish and I like catching fish.

 ( ) 41. Gulangy u is a big place in Xiamen.

 ( ) 42. Chen Lan tells us a lot about her parents.

 ( ) 43. There are no cars in Gulangyu.

 ( ) 44. Chen Lan always goes fishing with his father.

 ( ) 45. Chen Lan?s house is near the sea.

 第二节 阅读细节 阅读下面的短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共5个小题,每小题2分)

 Jimmy is a little boy. He likes chocolate very much. But his mother doesn?t let him eat much because it?s bad for his teeth. This Sunday is Jimmy?s fifth birthday. His parents want to have a birthday party. They ask Jimmy?s grandpa to come to the party. His grandpa comes the day before Jimmy?s birthday. At night, his mother tells Jimmy, ? If you tell the God(上帝) what you want , you will get it.? So Jimmy cries, ? I want a box of chocolate!? his mother says,?Don?t say it so loudly. The God can hear you.? Jimmy smiles and say, ?but grandpa can?t.?

 ( ) 46. Jimmy likes very much.

 A. bananas B. chocolate C. candy

 ( ) 47. Jimmy is years old.

 A. four B. five C. six

 ( ) 48. comes to Jimmy?s party.

 A. Jimmy?s friend B. Jimmy?s grandma C. Jimmy?s grandpa

 ( ) 49. Why does Jimmy cry loudly?

 A. He thinks God can hear.

 B. He loves his mother very much.

 C. He wants to let his grandpa hear it.

 ( ) 50. Whic h one is true?

 A. Jimmy?s mother doesn?t love him, because she doesn?t let him eat chocolate.

 B. Jimmy?s grandpa doesn?t come to his birthday party.

 C. Jimmy wants to get a box of chocolate!

 第三节 阅读图表



 Ann hopes you can come to her party!

 Time Five forty in the afternoon

 Date Monday, July 14th

 Place Flat 9B Westwing Tower

 Phone 875-4615

 Note The more friends, the better.

 ( ) 51. Ann is going to have a _________.

 A. birthday party B. Christmas party C. New Year party

 ( ) 52. The party will begin at _________.

 A. 6:20 am B. 5:40 am C. 5:40 pm

 ( ) 53.What does ?the more friends, the better? mean?

 A. No friends will come to her party.

 B. More friends will come to her party.

 C. Ann wants more friends to come to her party.


 Sunny English Club

 For students

 16:00 ? 18:00 Every Saturday

 200 Yuan a month

 9 Zhou Yu Street

 Tel: 3785290

 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!

 ( ) 54. Sunny English Club is for ________.

 A. policemen B. students C. businessmen

 ( ) 55. You will pay ________ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.

 A. 600 yuan B. 1200 yuan C. 2400 yuan

 第四节:补全对话 根据上下文的意思,把对话补充完整。将方框中答案的字母代号填在相应的括号里。(共5小题, 每题2分)

 A. How about you? Did you have a great time?

 B. What did you do there?

 C. How was your last weekend?

 D. Jane speaking.

 E. How was the weather there?

 A: Hi,(56)_________

 B: Hi, Jane. This is Tina. (57)________

 A: It was great. I visited my grandparents in the


 B: Oh, sounds great.(58)________

 A: It was cloudy and cool.

 B: (59)_________

 A: I fed some chickens and milked a cow. It was so interesting. (60)_________

 B: No, I didn?t. I climbed the mountains with my family. But it was rainy.

 A: Oh, that?s terrible.

 B: Umm?Let?s go to the movies tonight.

 A: OK. See you!

 B: See you.

 Ⅳ. 写作技能 (共三个部分, 计30分)

 第一节:句型转换, 每空填写一个单词。(共5小题,每空1分, 共10分)

 61. The bank is between the supermarket and the restaurant. ( 就划线部分提问)

 the bank?

 62. There are some plates in the kitchen. (改为一般疑问句)

 there plate in the kitchen?

 63. I ate some apples in the morning. ( 改为否定句)

 I apples in the morning.

 64. Koalas are from Australia.(改为同义句)

 Koalas _________ __________ Australia.

 65. I?d like a small bowl.(就划线部分提问)

 _________ _________ would you like?

 第二节:根据所给汉语完成句子, 每空一个单词。(共5小题, 每题1分,共5分)

 66. They can play the ________(钢琴).

 67. Why do you like (熊猫) ?

 68. I went to the gift shop a nd _________(买了) some lovely gifts.

 69. Jim isn?t heavy or ________(瘦), he?s of medium build.

 70. I?d like a large bowl of ________(牛肉)noodles,please.



 Name:Li Lei



 Favorite Star:Michael Jordan

 Favorite food:fish and chips

 Appearance:short and straight hair,big eyes,medium height

 Wants:a basketball player

 I have a good friend.


 Ⅰ 听力技能

 1-5. BBCAB 6-10. BBCCB 11-15. ACACC

 16. Mr. Smith 17. Doctor 18. China

 19. fishing 20. read some books

 Ⅱ. 知识运用

 21-25. CBABC 26-30. CAABA 31-35. BACAA 36-40. BACAC

 Ⅲ. 阅读技能

 41-45. FFTFT 46-50. BBCCC 51-55. ACCBB 56-60. DCEBA

 Ⅳ. 写作技能

 61. Where is 62. Are any 63. didn?t eat 64. come from

 65. What size 66. piano 67. pandas 68. bought

 69. thin 70. beef

 71. 你什么时候去上学?

 72. 对于许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。

 73. 他正在朋友家学习。

 74. 这附近有餐馆吗?

 75. 我熬夜看了 足球 赛。

七年级英语下册期末试卷及答案2017相关 文章 :

1. 人教版七年级英语下册期末试卷及答案2017

2. 人教版七年级上册英语期末试卷附答案2017

3. 七年级下册英语期末考试卷及答案2017

4. 七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案2017

5. 2017年七年级下册英语期末试卷





B. 听句子,选出正确的应答语听两遍: 5分

6. A. I want to buy a T-shirt. B. Thank you. C. Don’t worry.

7. A. It’s mine . B. It’s nine yuan. C. It’s a pen.

8. A. It’s yours . B. It’s very kind of you. C. It’s half past two.

9. A. Yes, I’d love to. . B. Yes, please. C. Yes, I would.

10. A.I am Tom . B. This is Tom. C. My name is Tom.

C. 听五段对话,选择最佳答案.听两遍: 5分

12. Where are they talking谈话

A. In a school. B. In a shop.. C. On a farm

13.What time is it now?

A. 7:30 B. 7:13. C. 7:03.

14. How much does the woman pay付钱?

A.¥5. B.¥10 C. ¥15

15. What’s wrong with Jack?

A. He can’t find his pen.. B. He can’t find his mother. C. He can’t find his father.

D. 听短文,填入所缺单词,每空一词听两遍: 5分

Name Age Country Job Workplace

David 16.________ England student school

Paul thirty-six the U.S.A. 17 _________ No. 2 High School


18 _________ 19 _________ 20.__________

11. __________ 12. __________ 13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________


II. 词汇。15分


1. wrong反义词__________ 2. they宾格_____

3. bye同音词_____________ 4. mouse复数______

5. their同音词____________ 6. four同音词______

7. aunt同音词___________ 8. bring反义词_______

9. carry第三人称单数______ 10. like同义词________


11. 试穿__________ 12. 去钓鱼__________________

13. 起床_________ 14.吃早饭___________

15. 回家________


16.The box is too h______. I can’t carry it.

17.I have _______ 四十books.

18. What time is it? It’s a _______ past four.

19.Don’t _______ 忘记to bring your guitar.

20. I see a __________ in the zoo.

Ⅲ. 句型转换.5分

1. My pen is 12 yuan. 对划线部分提问

_____ _____ is your pen?

2. How do you like this skirt?. 写出同义句

______ do you ______ ______ this skirt?

3. Do you have time tomorrow? 写出同义句

_____ you _____ tomorrow?

4. It is twelve past two . 对划线部分提问

______ ______ is it ?

5.It’s have time supper to 连词成句

__________________________ ?

IV. 单项选择15分.

1. —___________. —Yes, please. I’d like to buy a cap.

A. Can I help you? B. Can you help me? C. Is that all?

2. —_________ are the shoes? —50 yuan, please.

A. How many B. How much C. How about

3. —These pants are nice. Can I _________? —Sure

A. try it on B. try them on C. try on them

4. —Sorry, I don’t know her name? —___________.

A.Thank you. B. All right. C. Thank you all the same.

5. —Do you have ______ bread? —Yes, I have ______.

A. some; any B. any; some C. a; any

6. —Does the zoo have ______ elephant? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. a B. an C. the

7. —Hello! — Hello, Betty! __________ is Jill speaking.

A. I’m B.She is C. This is

8. —____________ —Sorry. She is not here now.

A. I speak to Kate. B. Are you Kate? C. May I speak to Kate?

9. —_________ going to the zoo? —All right.

A.Why not B. What about C. Why

10. It’s half past eleven. It’s time ________ have lunch.

A. to A. of C. at

11. She gets up ______ 6:10. I think she’s a good girl.

A. at B. in C. on

12. My coat is mine, but this _____ is blue.

A. it B. one C.coats

13. I have a cat. ____ name is Mimi. ____ very nice.

A. It’s; Its B. Its; It’s C. Its; It

14. It used to be过去是_______ telephone, but now it’s ______.

A. her; mine B. hers; my C. hers; mine

15.—Mr Chen is kind _____ us. —It’s very kind _____ him

A. to; to B. of; to C. to; of

V. 情景交际10分

A. 从B栏中找出与A栏中各句相应的答语。5分


1. Are you free this Sunday? A. It’s two to two

2. Would you like to e to Songtao? B. Yes. What’s up?

3. What are your favorite animals? C. I can’t find my way home.

4. What time is it? D.Yes. I’d love to.

5. What’s wrong with you? . E. Pandas.

B. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成下列对话其中有一个选项是多余的。5分

A. No, he doesn’t.

B. He isn’t here now.

C. All right. I’ll tell him about it

D. Could you ask him to call me back

this afternoon?

E. May I speak to Yang Fang, please?


B:Hello!______6 _______

A:Sorry. ______7______ Who is this?

B:This is Li Lan, Yang Fang’s clas *** ate._____8 ___

A:Sure. Does he have your phone number?

B:______9_____ My phone number is 2835432

A:2835432. ______10_______

B:Thank you. Bye

A: Bye

6. _______ 7. _______ 8. ________9. ______ 10. _______

VI. 完形填空每小题1分,共10分

This is a girl. She’s 1 English girl. Her name’s Becky. She’s twelve. She’s in 2 Grade Seven at No. 1 Middle School in Beijing. She studies学习 3 in it. Mr Liu is her Chinese teacher. 4 name is Liu Yong. He’s a good teacher. He teaches教 her Chinese very well. His 5 number is 01065268559. He loves爱his students very much.

Becky’s father and mother 6 teachers. Her father is 7 Green. He 8 in Beijing now. He teaches us 9 __ He goes to work on his bike. 10 our good English teacher and good friend.

1. A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. A. class four B. class Four C. Class Four D. Class four

3. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. American

4. A. My B. Your C. His D. Her

5. A. phone B. bike C. car D. bus

6. A. am B. is C. be D. are

7. A. Miss B. Mr C. Mrs D. teacher

8. A. work B. to work C. works D. work’s

9. A. English B.Chinese C. miao D. Japanese

10. A. She’s B. He’s C.It’s D.his



Dear Mike,

Thanks for your family photo. This is a photo of my family. I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my parents, my sister and I. The old woman is my grandmother. The man is my father. His name is David. He is a teacher. And what about the woman? She is my mother. Her name is Linda. She is very nice. Look at the girl. That’s my sister. She is in a middle school中学. Her name is Lucy. Do you know知道 the boy? It’s me.

Yours, Tony


1. There are ______ people in this family.

A. four B. five C. six D. seven

2. Who is Linda?

A. She is the boy’s aunt. B. She is the boy’s sister.

C. She is the boy’s mother. D. She is the boy’s cousin

3. Is David the old woman’s son?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. No, he is. D. No, it is

4. What’s the name of the boy?

A. Tony. B. Mike. C. David. D. Linda.

5. Which is true 正确的 according to 根据 the letter?

A. The parents have two sons. B. Lucy is a student.

C. Lucy’s mother is a teacher. D. David has no grandmother.



I like broccoli花椰菜 and bananas. I don’t like hamburgers or French fries.I have two eggs and a banana for breakfast.


I like salad and chicken. I don’t like ice cream. I have chicken and tomatoes for dinner.


I like hamburgers and ice cream. I don’t like tomatoes. I eat lunch at school .I have hamburgers and oranges for lunch.


6. Does Maria like broccoli?

A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t.

C. Yes I do D.I don’t know.

7. What does Bill have for dinner?

A. Salad and chicken B. Ice cream

C Tomatoes and chicken D. Hamburgers and oranges

8. ______eats two eggs and a banana for breakfast.

A. Maria B. Bill C. Bob D. No one没人

9. _____likes ice cream, but ______doesn’t like it.

A. Bob, Maria B. Bill, Bob C. Maria, Bill D Bob, Bill

10. Does Bill have eggs or bananas for breakfast?

A. Eggs B. Bananas C.Eggs and bananas D. We don’t know.


Hello, everyone! I am Liu Yifei. My English name is Crystal. I am from Beijing. I am an actress演员. I’m polite有礼的 and helpful. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a professor教授. My mother looks young and slim苗条. She is a dancer. They are very kind. I like playing golf高尔夫. I can speak English and Chinese very well. Huang Xiaoming is my good friend. He is from Qingdao. He is my partner搭档 in The Legend of Condor Hero《神雕侠侣》.


11. Crystal is Huang Xiaoming’s English name.

12. Liu Yifei is polite and helpful.

13. Crystal’s father is a professor.

14. Liu Yifei’s mother likes playing golf.

15. Liu Yifei’s partner is from Qingdao.


1-5. BEACD 6-10. ABCAB 11-15. ABACB

16. twelve/12 17. teacher 18. Canada 19. doctor 20. hospital


II. 词汇。15分


1. right 2. them 3. buy 4. mice 5. there

6. for 7. ant 8. take 9. carries 10. love


11. try on 12. go fishing 13. get up 14. have breakfast 15. go home


16. heavy 17. forty 18. quarter 19. forget 20. monkey

Ⅲ. 句型转换.5分

1. How much 2. What; think of 3. Are; free 4. What time 5. It’s time to have supper.

IV. 单项选择15分.

1-5. ABBCB 6-10. BCCBA 11-15. ABBAC

V. 情景交际10分

1-5. BDEAC 6-10. EBDAC

VI. 完形填空每小题1分,共10分

1-5. BCBCA 6-10. DBCAB


1-5. BCBAB 6-10. ACADD 11-15. FTTFT



 一、 听对话,选择正确的答案。每个对话念两遍。每小题1分,共5分

  1. What time does Jennifer go to bed?

A. At 9:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 11:00.

  2. Why does Jim like dolphins?

 A. Because they’re exciting. B. Because they’re cute.

 C. Because they’re fun.

  3. Does John like his job?

 A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.

  4. There ______ a ruler and two pens on the desk.

 A. are B. is C. am D. be

  5. Let’s ______ soccer ball on Sunday.

 A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing

 二、 听长对话,选择正确的答案。每个对话念两遍。每小题1分,共5分


  6. What the weather like in Bill’s city城市?

 A. sunny B. snowy C. cloudy

  7. What are Bill and Jim doing?

 A. watching a match B. doing homework C. watching TV


  8. What’s LinTao’s mother’s job?

 A. a nurse B. a Chinese teacher C. an English teacher

  9. What does Lin Tao want to be?

 A. a bank clerk B. a teacher C. a policeman

  10. Why does Tom want to be a reporter?

 A. Because it’s interesting

 B. Because he can meet interesting people every day

 C. Because he like talking

 得分 评卷人



  11. Lucy________ on Saturday morning.

 A. played tennis B. went to the beach C. went to the movies

  12. Lucy played tennis with __________

 A. Nancy B. Mark C. Karen

  13. Lucy went to the movies on_________.

 A. Saturday afternoon B. Sunday night C. Saturday night

  14. Jack _________ on Sunday night.

 A. played puter games B. cleaned his room. C. went to the library

  15. Jack’s weekend was__________.

 A. quiet B. fantastic C. boring


 得分 评卷人



  16.We enjoyed in the water.

 A. play B. playing C. to play

  17. My son ______ at home yesterday afternoon .He______ swimming.

 A. wasn’t, went B. didn’t, went C. didn’t, go

  18. Where is the post office? It’s on _____Avenue

 . A. the ninth B. Nine C. Ninth

  19. Do you know the boy______ the funny glasses?

 A. on B. with C. wears

  20. After supper Mary’s mother often makes her ________along the river.

 A. take a walk B. takes walk C. to take a walk

  21. — do you colorful clothes? —I like them.

 A. How, think B. What, think of C. How , think of

  22. His father is _______.He _______ now.

 A. a writer, writing B. writer, writers C. a writer, is writing

  23. She _____ medium height and _____short hair.

 A .is of, has B. has; is of C. has; has of

  24. I’d like some and .

 A. porridge, noodle B. chicken, tomatoes C. potatos, bananas

  25 —______your vacation ? and where did you go ______ vacation Amy ?

 —It was pretty good.

 A. What was , for, B. How is, in , C. How was, on

  26. The woman wants her daughter_____ English every morning.

 A. read B. reads C. to read

  27. Please ______, because this is a reading room.

 A. quiet B. to be quiet C. be quiet

  28. People usually think lions are _____ scary.

 A. kinds of B. kind of C. a kind of

  29. She’s her magazine, but she can’t it . Let’s help her.

 A. find, look for B. looking for, find C. finding, look for

  30. We are _____ international school ______ children ______ 5-12.

 A. a. of, at B. an, for, of C. an, of, for

 得分 评卷人


 Dear Peter,

 School is going well. I am so 31 and I have little time to go and play 32 the weekend. I always go to the library to 33 newspapers or study English.

 If you’re free, you can e to 34 me. You can go straight down Centre Street. 35 you see Blue Bar, just turn left. The name of my apartment 公寓 is Victor. That’s easy to 36 _. I like my house. It isn’t very big _ 37 _it’s a nice home. If you e to my house, we can watch movies and we can 38 Chinese food. I’m often at home after 7 pm, and I_ 39 _at around 10:30 pm every day because I have to go to school early the next morning. You can give me a 40 before you e.

 Your best friend,  Linda

  31. A. lazy B. busy C. happy

  32. A. in B. with C. at

  33. A. read B. give C. mail

  34. A. tell B. teach C. visit

  35. A. So B. Because C. When

  36. A. find B. look C. pay

  37. A. and B. but C. or

  38. A. sell B. clean C. cook

  39. A. get up B. go to bed C. go shopping

  40. A. call B. number C. time

 得分 评卷人


 A: Hello! May I speak to Bill?

 B: Speaking!?

 A: Hi, Bill! This is Jane speaking.?

 B: Hello! 41

 A: I called you yesterday, but nobody answered the telephone. 42 ?

 B: I went to the Water World 水上世界 with my parents.?

 A: Really? 43 .?

 B: It was great. We saw the dolphin show. It was very wonderful精彩.?

 A: That sounds interesting.?

 B: 44 .?

 A: Oh, the day after tomorrow 后天will be将是 my birthday. 45 ?

 B: Yes, I'd love to. Thanks a lot.?

 A: You're wele.?

 41.________ 42.________ 43.________ 44.________ 45.________

 得分 评卷人



 阅读短文 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写T,不符合的写F。

 Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shops were crowded, they didn’t really enjoy it.

 The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a *** all boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel. That made him very tired.

 On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun.

  46. On Monday, Kim had fun going shopping.

  47. It was very hot on Wednesday.

  48. They went to a museum on Tuesday.

  49. Kim helped a boy find his father and went back to the hotel by taxi.

  50. They played tennis on a cool day.


 Do you have a pen pal? If not, do you want to have one? Now let me tell you how to get a pen pal. There are usually three steps步骤The first is greeting. In this step, you and your new friend will say “hello” to each other your names. The second step is to talk. When talking with your new friend, it is always about your age, your family, your favorites or any other things like that. The third step is leave-taking. In this step, you tell your new friend that you are happy to meet him/her. You can also say “Do you want to be my pen pal?” or “I hope we can be pen pals.”

  51.This passage is about ______.

 A. how to get a pen pal B. how to get to a hotel

 C. how to learn a new language

  52.There are_____ steps mentioned被提及in the passage.

 A. two B. three C. four

  53.Which of the following is NOT a greeting?

 A. Hi! B. Nice to meet you! C. Where are you going?

  54.You may talk about your father’s favorite animals in the ____step.

 A. first B. second C. third

  55. What does “leave-taking” mean意思是?

 A. Meeting your pen pal. B. Visiting your pen pal’s house.

 C. Saying goodbye to your pen pal.


 1 The looks are for Tom’s family.

 Family member His /her looks

 father tall, curly hair

 mother short, black hair, heavy

 sister long curly hair, medium build

 brother looks like my mother, short, heavy

 2 Here is a weather report in some cities in China.


 City Max最高温度 Min最低温度 Weather







 Nanchong 50C






 200C -70C






 120C sunny

 cloudy to sunny

 light snow

 sunny to cloudy




 3 These are TV shows in SiChuan Station.

 CCTV - 4

 7:30 Morning News 14:30 Soap Opera: Dumpling king

 15:30 Arts and Cultures 16:50 Sit: Happy Family

 18:20 Chinese cooking 19:00 Talk show

  56. Tom’s mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair.

 A. tall, curly B. short, black C. short, long

  57. Beijing is ______ but Nanchong is raining.

 A. sunny to cloudy B. cloudy to sunny C. sunny

  58. We can watch the sit at ______ on CCTV-4.

 A. 4:50 p.m. B. 7:30 a.m. C. 3:30 p.m. D. 6:20 p.m.

  59. The highest temperature最高温度 is ______ and it is sunny to cloudy.

 A. Nanchong B. Shenzhen C. Xiamen

  60. Which of the following sentences is right?

 A. Tom’s father is a cook. He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30.

 B. Tom’s sister looks my mother and she likes watching soap operas.

 C. If Tom’s mother goes to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes.

 得分 评卷人



 61. They p_________ soccer yesterday.

 62. We like our English teacher, because he is very f_______ to us.

 63. How about ________游泳 at the pool in the park?

 64. Tom’s father has a _________危险的 job.

 65.The child went to a ___________医院 and he wanted to see a doctor.

 61.________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________ 65.________

 B 根据汉语完成下列各英语句子,每空限填一词。每小题1分


 I have rules in my house.


 Did she you?


 They the math test last weekend.


 Let me tell you the my house.


 The pay phone is the library.

 得分 评卷人


 今年“五一”假你和你的家人去哪里游玩了?以My Happy May Day写一则日记和大家一起分享你的快乐吧!资讯要点如下:

 1. 星期六上午晚起。早餐之后,去青少年宫The Children Palace上钢琴课。




 要求:1. 不要遗漏所提供的资讯。 2. 字数在60~80之间




 一、1-5: C C B B B

 二、6-10:C C C B B

 三、11-15: B C B A B



 16-20: B A C B A 21-25: B C A B C

 26-30: C C B B B


 31-35: B C A C C 36-40: A B C B A


 41-45: D F E A C


 46-50: F F T F T 51-55: A B C B C

 56-60: B C A B C


 A 61.played 62.friendly 63.swimming 64.dangerous 65.hospital

 B 66. too many 67. agree with 68.studied for

 69. way to 70. across from



 英 语 试 卷



 1. A: When do you usually go to bed?

 B: I usually go to bed at 9 o’clock. What about you, Jennifer?

 A: I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.

 B: Oh, it’s very late, I think.

 Q: What time does Jennifer go to bed?

 2. A: Let’s go to see pandas, Jim.

 B: Why do you like pandas?

 A: Because they’re cute. What animals do you like, Jim?

 B: I like dolphins. They’re very fun.

 Q: Why does Jim like dolphins?

 3. A: Are you a bank clerk, John?

 B: Yes. It’s busy and boring.

 A: What do you want to be?

 B: Oh, I want to be a police officer. It’s very exciting.

 Q: Does John like his job?

 4. M: Look! Is the girl dancing?

 W: No, he is cooking.

 Q: What is the girl doing?

 5. W: What are you doing, Lin Tao?

 M: I’m reading a letter from my pen pal. He’s in Sydney. He says it’s rainy there.

 W: Oh, that sounds like fun. It’s so cold and snowy in Beijing.

 Q: How is the weather in BeiJing?



 A: Hello, this is Jim, who is that?

 B: Hi, Jim. This is Bill.

 A: Oh, Bill, What’s the weather like there?

 B: It’s cloudy. What are you doing now, Jim?

 A: I am watching TV.

 B: Great! I’m watching TV too!

 2. 听一段长对话,回答第8—10三小题。

 A: Lin Tao , Can I ask you some questions?

 B: Ok

 A: What does your mother do?

 B: She is a teacher. She teaches English.

 A: What do you want to be, Lin Tao ?

 B: I want to be a teacher too. What about you, Tom?

 A: I want to be a reporter.. I can meet interesting people everyday.


 Last weekend , Lucy had a good time. On Saturday morning, she went to the beach with her friends, Nancy. They had fun playing beach volleyball there. In the afternoon , She played tennis with her cousin, Karen. On Sunday morning, She went to the supermarket to buy some food. On Sunday afternoon, she cleaned her room. On Sunday night , she went to the movies. But her brother, Jack likes playing puter games at home. He thinks they are fantastic.


